Partially lampshaded by one of Toorum's notes.
Already Undone for You: At least Toorum and no doubt other convicts have gone through the dungeon before, but all the traps, treasures and monsters are still there. A Load of Bull: One of the races you can choose in character creation. All There in the Manual: The "Ramblings of an Old Sage" found in the manual fleshes out the backstory of the game, detailing Lord Perel's ill-fated expedition into the dungeon and the reason the king is sending prisoners into its depths. Justified, as its a giant metal cube whose only "attack" is to roll on and crush you.
Advancing Boss of Doom: If you get caught by the Final Boss, it's an instant game over. Absurdly High Level Cap: Reaching the level cap of 50 requires several billion experience points, with monsters giving around a thousand at most. The game is played in real-time, and provides the players with many puzzles to solve, harkening back to the RPGs of yore. There is just one problem: Mount Grimlock is a den of evil and mystery, home to countless monsters, traps and other dangers. If the prisoners can make their way through the prison and escape it via the mountain's base, their crimes will be forgiven and they will be free to go. The game begins when four prisoners, created by the player, are accused of vile acts of treason by the local court, but by the "mercy" of the king, the prisoners are given a chance to atone for their crimes via the ancient prison of Mount Grimrock. Played from a First Person Perspective, the game is a throwback to Dungeon Crawling classics like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder. Legend of Grimrock is a 2012 indie RPG developed by Almost Human Ltd for the PC - with Mac, Linux and iOS ports coming soon. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.
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